I was saved at the age of 13 years old and thankfully was raised in a Christian home with two Godly parents. I grew up in North Mississippi and had many ambitions in life, but never thought for once I would become a preacher of the Gospel.
I moved to the state of Tennessee due to my interest in country music. For several years I’d been a part of some bands, sang and wrote songs. When I came to Tennessee, I was out of God’s will. I had one agenda, and God had another. While attending MTSU in 1994, I met my wife while working at Walmart. While we were dating, my interest in the music business waned when I saw what it really was.
My wife and I married in 1995 and we became heavily involved in the church where she grew up. No longer was I following the path of the world, but I had a renewed interest in God’s plan for my life and began to fervently study the scriptures daily. Little did I know then that God would call me into the ministry in a few short years. I became the assistant pastor at Grace Baptist Church and held that position for over 20 years.
In May of 2020, we decided to leave, feeling the call of God to do so, and within a few days were approached by a group of people who wanted to start a new church. Mercy Baptist Church was born on May 31, 2020 right in the middle of the Covid 19 Pandemic. God has blessed ever since and we continue to be excited looking forward to what God is going to do!